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bolno srce造句

  • Once again, she went back to the studio with Mili Vukaainovi in 1986 and recorded the album " Bolno srce " ( " Aching Heart " ), which brought many hits including a win at the festival of folk music " Vogoaa " with the title song " Bolno srce . " On this album she also recorded a sevdalinka called " Sjeaa li se djevo bajna " ( " Do You Remember the Stellar Maiden " ) with accordion player, Milorad Todorovi.
  • Once again, she went back to the studio with Mili Vukaainovi in 1986 and recorded the album " Bolno srce " ( " Aching Heart " ), which brought many hits including a win at the festival of folk music " Vogoaa " with the title song " Bolno srce . " On this album she also recorded a sevdalinka called " Sjeaa li se djevo bajna " ( " Do You Remember the Stellar Maiden " ) with accordion player, Milorad Todorovi.
  • It's difficult to see bolno srce in a sentence. 用bolno srce造句挺难的
如何用bolno srce造句,用bolno srce造句bolno srce in a sentence, 用bolno srce造句和bolno srce的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。